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May 10, 2024 5 min read

If you hadn’t read it before, Peruvian food has, like many other latin american countries’ cuisines, a very complete and nutritious gastronomy.

It combines all the main macronutrients in the right amounts; but in some parts of Peru meat or lamb are not as accessible. That’s why there are so many seafood-basedPeruvian meals

If you follow a diet that limits your animal produce to fish and seafood, or you’re just craving a fresh and spicy recipe to get by this hot summer, keep reading to find popularPeruvian meals that include seafood. 

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How important is seafood for Peruvian Meals?

Peruvian meals consist of a very healthy balance between vegetables, fruits, grains and of course protein or animal produce.

Speaking of animal produce, the most popular dishes known from this country are meat or lamb based; but some of the most delicious ones (and perhaps lesser known) are mainly made with fish and seafood. 

Apart from the strong and delightful taste, fish and seafood have tons of nutritional properties and benefits for our health. Seafood is very high in protein yet low in calories and saturated fat.

The seafood found in allPeruvian meals is the best source of Omega-3, decreasing the risk of heart attacks, strokes and hypertension. 

Escabeche de Pescado, the tastiest Peruvian meal

Escabeche de pescado is the perfect recipe if what you’re looking for is something to experiment the purest taste of fish. Also known as pickle fish, this dish requires all seafood to be boiled.

Escabeche de pescado is one of the most colorfulPeruvian meals, combining the seafood with different types ofPeruvian ajies; all of this with a mix of spicy and sour sauce.

What gives this dish it’s characteristic, strong taste, is the fact that all ingredients are “preserved” in vinegar. This is an ancient technique used and introduced in Peru by the Spaniards in colonial times. 


Peruvian ceviche 

Honestly, no list ofPeruvian meals that include seafood is complete without the presence of the mouth-watering ceviche.

This is a recipe that requires the type of fish you choose to be raw; but don’t be fooled as it actually not be eaten like that. The fish used inPeruvian meals like ceviche is marinated or “cooked” in strong citrus juices. 

This recipe not only has the fish and citrus, it involves yellow ají, chopped purple onions, freshcilantro leaves, and it can be served alongside corn chips to help you scoop the ceviche.

Some people like to addají paste instead of fresh ají to save some time and give it a stronger taste. 


Do you enjoy the taste of fried fish? Then you’ll definitely like the taste of Jalea. ThisPeruvian meal (that has nothing to do with jam despite its name) is actually very easy to make at home and combines different and exciting textures and temperatures.

Jalea consists of fried fish and seafood, combined with fried yucca or sweet potato and assorted greens and vegetables like tomatoes, red onions and mandarin.

From manyPeruvian meals, you could say that Jalea has one of the most eclectic tastes, since it’s an explosion of very contrasting flavours.  

No Jalea is complete without its popular creole sauce, made with mayonnaise, lime and a very creamy pepper sauce. This recipe can be served as both an appetizer and a main course. 

Lomo Saltado

It is a popular Peruvian dish with Chinese origins. It usually consists of stir-fried beef, tomatoes, onions, and French fries tossed in a soy sauce-vinegar marinade. The result is a savory and filling meal that's sure to satisfy. Many variations exist for this classic entree, so don't be afraid to experiment with these different ingredients and spices! Lomo Saltado pairs incredibly well with rice or potatoes as side dishes. Enjoy it as part of a balanced diet, and you'll soon find yourself coming back for more!


It Is another traditional Peruvian dish, also of Chinese origin. Unlike Lomo Saltado, it consists of raw fish sliced thinly and marinated in citrus juices, chilies, and other spices. The result is a light but flavorful appetizer or entree perfect for any occasion. Serve it alongside rice or potatoes for a balanced meal that won't leave you feeling too full. Try out different types of fish to find your favorite version!


Chaufa is an Asian-Peruvian stir-fry dish with rice, vegetables, eggs, and either beef or chicken. This savory entrée usually includes soy sauce and other spices for maximum flavor. It's an excellent option for those looking to mix up their weekly dinner routine. Serve it alongside a fresh salad or vegetables for a complete and balanced meal. Then, add some heat by using spicy peppers or chilies in your version of chaufa to give it an extra kick!

Arroz con Mariscos

It is another classic Peruvian seafood dish. It consists of white rice cooked with shrimp, squid, and other shellfish in a flavorful tomato-based sauce. Add an assortment of vegetables such as bell peppers, onions, and garlic for even more flavor. Serve it alongside a salad or roasted potatoes to make it an entire meal. With its hearty texture and delicious taste, arroz con mariscos will quickly become one of your favorite dishes!

These are just some examples of the many excellent Peruvian dishes available for you to try at home or in restaurants. Explore different recipes and find which ones work best for your tastes! With so much variety, you're sure to enjoy all the delicious.

Paella Valenciana

It is a traditional Valencian dish that has become popular throughout the world. For flavor, it is made with white rice, vegetables, seafood, and saffron. Many different versions exist but are usually served as appetizers or side dishes. Try out some of the variations of this classic to find your favorite recipe! Paella Valenciana is a great meal idea for serving something special.

Papa Rellena

is an excellent dish that combines mashed potatoes, eggs, and ground beef with spices like oregano, cumin, and garlic. The mixture is then formed into balls and deep-fried until golden brown. It's usually served as an appetizer or side dish but can also be eaten as a main course. The potatoes and ground beef give this dish a unique texture, while the spices add some extra zest. Enjoy Papa Rellena with your favorite dipping sauces for even more flavor!

Causa Limeña

Causa Limeña is another popular Peruvian dish with layers of mashed potatoes, vegetables, and a flavorful fish-based filling. The entire dish is then topped with slices of avocado before being served. Enjoy Causa Limeña as an appetizer or side dish, and you won't be disappointed! This dish's texture and flavor will surely please your taste buds.

These are just some of the many dishes Peru has to offer. With its unique flavors and ingredients, Peruvian cuisine will have something for everyone. So whether you are looking for a great appetizer or a main course, Peru has plenty of options! Try some of these classic recipes today and explore Peru's unique tastes.

Parihuela: Peruvian meals in the form of soup 

If you live on this planet, you’ll relate to the comforting feeling of a hot, steamy soup. Some of the most popularPeruvian meals are soups and broths with high nutritional values.

Parihuela is a spicy seafood based soup that was born in the fishing communities of Perú. It is very important when cooking this recipe that you use the freshest ingredients (including a firm, white fish) and to serve it immediately after cooking. 

The most notable ingredient of Parihuela is theaji panca hot pepper; combine it with cumin, ginger,cilantro and lime juice and you’ll have a party in your mouth with every spoonful. Treat yourself with a hot, crisp and spicy food! 

Look no further! These are only some of the most delicious and filling seafood-basedPeruvian meals, filled with benefits for your health, good looks and most of all, good taste.